Friday, December 3, 2010

Favorite Fridays :)

disclaimer: this is my first post so give me some slack. 

i've decided that i have a lot of favorite things, so i'm dedicating every friday to sharing 4 or 5 of them. this week my favorites have a lot to do with the freeeezing cold weather here in harrisonburg. me, being from the beach, is not used to this and am having a VERY hard time coping with it. ok well i'll stop blabbing and get to the favorites:
1. Tazo Zen Tea
if you like peppermint tea and green tea then you'll love Zen! it's the best of both worlds.  i put just a little bit of sugar and that's it. it's delicious!! plus, it's caffeinated which makes it great for those late nights in carrier (jmu's library). i like to put it in my cute travel mug and sip it on the way to class in the mornings when it's below freezing. try it, i promise you'll love it.
2. Warm Socks
are they not the best? right now i'm wearing a pair of black, thick socks that are keeping my feet toasty warm. i'm pretty sure they're from my dad's closet so don't tell him i stole them. is it weird that my feet sweat when i wear them? maybe a little. but i'm still going to wear them.  

3. Snow Flurries!!
as i'm writing this i'm seeing my first flurries here in harrisonburg right outside my window! how exciting! i hate the cold, but i LOVE snow! i don't think that makes sense, but do you know what i mean? snow is just so great. you can have snowball fights, make snowmen, eat snow cream, then go inside and have hot cocoa with marshmallows galore and sit by a fire and watch movies! it's seriously the best. well now that i've gotten so excited about the snow the flurries have sadly disappeared. looks like we'll be saving all the fun for another day! 

4. Movie Nights

they rock. especially when you've trekked all the way across campus in the bitter cold because then you can grab blankets and friends and snuggle and watch your favorite films! tonight my friends and i are having one. we're all bringing our favorite teas (mine of course is Zen) and popcorn and snuggling up to watch Love Actually. i haven't seen it yet so i'll let you know how it is.                   
well that's all the favorites i've got for this friday, but don't worry, i've got lots of them stored up in my head for next friday. tonight my friends (yes, i have friends) and i are eating at e-hall (the best dining hall on campus because d-hall is gross) and then we are heading over to intervarsity large group (whoop whoop!) and then we're having our movie night. sounds like my ideal friday night. well hope you've enjoyed reading my first post and that you'll come back monday for "Mistletoe Mondays" where i'll talk all about CHRISTMAS!! :) 
erin with a p and a double r. 


  1. im so stoked about this blog.
    im def follwing it!
    love you perrin!!!!!!

  2. I'm so excited to know someone else whose name is Perrin...that's my middle name. Your blog is very e.e.cummings-ish with all your smaller case. I will look forward to your posts.

  3. Perrin this is awesome. you are officially on my blog stalking list. :)

  4. you are being stalked.

  5. blogs are dangerous.

  6. im telling your dad about the socks...

  7. wow... WHAT a FANTASTIC blog. you really outdid yourself Pw/2R's

  8. Perrin, we are so glad to have you home. The house was entirely too neat without you. Loved reading about you stalking strangers on the bus. Nice! As for "White Christmas", I can only say that you were probably born about 50 years too late or else they would've had you starring in that movie. It's so "you", Miss Christmas! Love you. Dad
