Tuesday, May 31, 2011

helloooo summer

i have been such a terrible blogger these past couple of weeks.  i never quite found the time to blog between studying for finals, going to Winchester for the Apple Blossom festival, packing up and leaving JMU, unpacking everything at home, starting a new job, celebrating my mom's special day, catching up with friends at home, reuniting with friends from school, celebrating my 19th birthday, doing crafts (coming soon on the blog!), redecorating our house, cooking dinner for the fam every night (also coming soon on the blog because i love to cook now!), mowing lawns, going to the beach (ok, i actually enjoy doing that) etc., etc.  so hopefully you can see why i haven't exactly had the time to blog.  but i'm getting settled into this idea of summer and i think i'm going to like it.

here's a brief recap in pictures of what's been going on...
Apple Blossom!

my cousin, meredith, and me at the parade

the queen and her court

a day at the farm!

frolicking through fields

mary-kate and ashley go country

my beautiful suite mates for next year  

our last night at jmu for the year

mother's day

day trip to williamsburg!

 chillin on the river

 jmu meets virginia beach on my birthday

the gang!

my super cute tea party! thanks sj :)

and this is where i plan on spending most of my summer...

that's all for now! but i promise i'm going to be a better blogger this summer, do not worry!
hope your enjoying these beautiful days :)
erin with a p and a double r