Thursday, February 24, 2011

perrin's personalized paraphernalia.

growing up we were that family.  we were the family that had the monogrammed diaper bag, monogrammed towels, and the "D" of our last name in any size, shape or form plastered all over the house.  this was just the beginning of the monogram epidemic.  

in middle school my mom started a business called "Donna D's Delights and Delectables."  it is a store in our house with jewelry, purses, scout bags, cream cheese pound cakes (which are to die for), and lots of other little goodies. about 2 years ago she invested in a monogramming machine to start monogramming things she sold or anything costumers wanted personalized. my mom had to practice on things before she could sell it, so she would take anything she could get her hands on and personalize it.  soon enough my pillowcase, my washcloth, and blanket all had the letters "P D E" on them.  i hated it.  i thought everyone would make fun of me for having my name on absolutely everything.  but the epidemic grew and grew and eventually i caught it.    

yes. sadly, i caught it.  now i just can't help but want everything personalized. it's not because i'm vain and just like the look of my name and initials on everything, but it feels more like mine when i see my name on it. here are things i have in my dorm room that are personalized:
wood letters i painted...
 (real cheap at Michael's)

...even my laundry bag is monogrammed...

...and my towels and towel wrap (found at Donna D's!)...

...and my luggage...

...and refrigerator magnets...  

...and my own JMU bowling pin (thanks Rob & Stacey!)...

...and lastly, my own scout bag...

see? i've got the epidemic reeeeaaal bad.  and what's even sadder is that this isn't even everything!!  if i show you more you might make fun of me.  but i love it!  i love having personalized things.  hopefully all these will make you want to start personalizing!

check the blog tomorrow for some over-due favorites!
happy thursday!
erin with a p and a double r :)   


Saturday, February 12, 2011

hair flowers galore!!

gooooood morning!  i hope everyone is having a fun, relaxing saturday morning.  i know i am!  i've enjoyed drinking some tea, snuggling in my bed, and listening to some podcasts (don't laugh).

this week my friends and i have been on a huge hair flower making high.  we've been making them non. stop. so i'd thought i'd share some of our flower power secrets...enjoy!

1.  this is one that i did very quickly.  all you need is 3 different fabrics and some tiny buttons.   cut the fabric into different size circles (they look better if they aren't perfect circles) and hot glue them on top of each other.  then just hot glue the buttons on top and glue them side-by-side on a stretchy headband.  and voilĂ ! it's done!   

2.  this one is a little tougher to explain because i sort of just made it up.  but i started by ripping a white strip of fabric about 2 in. wide and really long.  i then folded that in half to make it 1 in. wide and began to just twist and roll (sounds like a dance).  make the center really tight and twist the fabric and keep rolling it, hot gluing periodically as you go. and soon enough, it'll turn out like this...   

3.  so i wish i could take the credit for making these, but i can't.  my crafty little friend, ali, made them and shared it with all of us.  i also give her the credit for all the adorable buttons. she was so sweet to share her massive collection with us!  for this flower, all you need is two (or one works too) pieces of fabric.  start by cutting a strip between 2 and 3 inches wide.  fold the strip over and take a needle and thread and sew straight down the open side.  the stitches don't need to be perfectly even or straight because all you're going to do is pull it to scrunch up the fabric.  as you keep sewing and pulling you'll slowly start to see the flower shape to form.  then,connect the 2 ends by sewing them together.  do the same thing with a thinner piece of fabric and glue it on top the bigger.  lastly, take a cute button that matches your fabric and hot glue it right in the middle!  you can then put these on a headband, bobby pin, or clip (very versatile).  and you've got an adorable hair flower to wear all the time (you really will wear them all the time)! 

i hope you'll try making some of these and love doing it!  they were a lot of fun to make while eating half-baked cookie dough, listening to michael buble, and laughing about all the times i poked myself with the needle or burned myself with the hot glue gun!

oh, and happy early valentine's day!  hopefully you're doing something fun with loved ones around you on monday. here's a verse that i believe is perfect for valentine's day that tells of the one who is madly in love with us.  1 John 4:16 says, "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.  God is love.  Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." not only does God love us, but He is love!  I love that!! ok, i'm going to stop using the word love now. 

happy saturday, valentine's day, and sunny day day!  
erin with a p and a double r            

Thursday, February 3, 2011

new years resolutions

so it's been a little over a month since 2011 kicked off and i am proud to say i have successfully completed 2 out of my 3 resolutions so far. 

my first resolution was to be in bed by midnight on week days or when i have classes the next morning and i have cut it really close some nights (such as 11:59), but have managed to check this one off the list.

another resolution of mine was to be wise about my money.  i stink at saving money.  ask anyone and they will tell you that as soon as i get some green, i'm already thinking about how i want to spend it.  in 2011 i am planning to change this.  so far i have managed to only buy things i need, and nothing i want.  i am going to start putting any money i have in my savings account and not in my spending so the temptation to spend isn't even there!  

a third resolution was to tithe my money.  this one i have struggled with a little bit more.  i've always struggled with this.  i know that the Bible says to give 10% of our earnings, but for some reason this is so difficult for me.  so i decided to see what the Bible said about this and what i found was very convicting...

Malachi 3: 6-14 is titled "Robbing God" which is very appropriate.  in verse 7 the Lord says, "Return to me, and I will return to you." and then it says, "But you ask, 'How are we to return?'"  then the Lord says in verse 8, "Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me."  How do we rob Him?  It says in verse 8, "In tithes and offerings."  Tithes and Offerings! Ahhhh!  so by me not giving a little of what I have, I am robbing the God of the Universe?!  i've robbed my own creator?  if that's what this verse is saying then sadly I have.  He has given me everything and yet I can't spare to give him anything in return.  i am so selfish.  

i'm going to be honest...whenever the thought of tithing comes into mind I ignore it because I believe that my money could be used for something better, and in all honesty, better for myself.  again, i am so selfish.  what could my money be better spent on than for advancing the kingdom of God?  no material object I could buy could do this.  

so how am i going to fix this?  i think what i have to do is remember that God is the ultimate provider and will take care of all of my needs (not wants).  God gives me and you a challenge and i know i really enjoy a good challenge.  verse 10 says, "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.  Test me in this, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."  Whoa! Not enough room for all of His blessings?  That's awesome.  Luke 6:38 says, "Give, and it will be given to you." He promises us blessings in return for our giving and although we might not see them while we're here, we can definitely look forward to seeing them when we are face-to-face with Him. Alright Lord, I'm ready to take on this challenge.  Let's make this years's resolutions 3 for 3.  ready, set, tithe!   

happy thursday :)
erin with a p and a double r