Today has been the best. But before I talk about today let me tell you about the rest of camp this week. Thursday we had a pretty normal day at camp, but a phenomenal night. We had an awesome time with sessions at the high school, had our snack back at the hub, and then went to club. "Today is the day," said Randy at our morning gathering. It was the day the kids were going to hear about the best rescue and love story ever- how Jesus died on the cross for them. Gary presented the message so well- in a way the kids could all understand it. Afterwards, we gave them 10 minutes to go outside and process it and gave them a chance to respond. Many kids did. Lives were changed and it was incredible. Some of these leaders had been walking with these kids for years and had seen them at 3 Stage n' Slams and then got to pray with them that night to receive Christ! We rejoiced and celebrated as a group that night and shared stories of how we saw God working in these kids. It's so cool to be part of lives being changed for eternity!!
Friday was awesome. It was a little bit different because we had the Highland Games (something we do in the states and actually got to do in Scotland)! Kids were broken into 4 teams for the whole day and competed with each other in a series of crazy games. We had everything from digging for balls in a baby pool with foam in it, to playing tug of war in the mud, to playing sharks and minnows. The grand finale consisted of each team getting tubs of water balloons, flour bombs, shaving cream, and paint to battle all the other teams with. It was so fun to watch all the kids who would be pretty quiet and shy during the week really come out of their shell and just go wild. Then we had kids go back to the hub and rinse off as best as they could while they ate a snack. At club Gary talked about the Resurrection and even more kids began a relationship with Christ. So awesome!! The very last part of the day and the week was spent at Faith Mission Bible College where we had a dinner for kids and where the Opera (the finale of the run-on) took place. Kids went crazy as confetti flew and a dancing broke out. It was the perfect way to end the week.
Today was our touring day. We met at 11, got coffee, and hopped on a double decker bus into downtown Edinburgh. We didn't even have to say anything because people could just look at us and know we were tourists. It was that obvious. We had 25 people traveling in pack with cameras hanging around our necks and backpacks on. The first place I went was the Edinburgh castle. The views from the top of it were spectacular. We wondered around here and there for a couple of hours and soaked up some Scotland history. Afterwards, we went to a place called Nando's for lunch. Then we went to the National Museum of neat!! They had one exhibition that was bunch of stuffed animals everywhere. Then we went to the Elephant House where J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter in the back room overlooking Edinburgh Castle. We got tea, lattes, and biscuits (cookies) there. We rushed to get some post cards at a souvenier shop before we had to meet up as a group. For dinner, we went to a wonderful restaurant in the Rockville Hotel located on the Firth of Fifth (look it up on a map and you'll see what I'm talking about). We enjoyed some Haggis (actually I didn't enjoy that so much), Fish n' Chips, and Chocolate Sponge Cake with Custard. It was one heck of a meal. We also watched our first sunset since being here and let met tell you- that sun went out with a bang. It was one of the best sunsets I've ever seen. Now I am going to brush my teeth and put my PJ's on and go to bed. We're hiking Arthur's Seat tomorrow and I'm so excited for that!!
Ready to go tour! |
Katie, my roommate, and me. |
On the top of the double decker bus! |
The Royal Mile. |
The Edinburgh Castle |
View from the top of the Edinburgh Castle! It was so beautiful!! |
The Elephant House...where J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter. |
Mmmm! |
The museum! |
View from the 7th floor terrace of the museum! |
Two of my favorites- Grace and Joy! |
Katie, Brennan, Amanda, and I outside our restaurant! |
My delicious dessert! |
The view from my seat and the beginnings of the most beautiful sunset! This was taken at 9:30 p.m. The sun doesn't set til very late here which can be tricky sometimes! |
erin with a p and a double r
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